Shri Yukteswar

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Paramahamsa Hariharananda

Books 1,2, & 3 (complete set). An essential and true spiritual handbook for quick spiritual progress and God-Realization. A rare metaphorical interpretation from the mouth of the Realized Master reveals its inner meaning and its application in practical life.

Published 2000


Vol 1, 2 & 3

Price: 36€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Each Sanskrit letter represents a mantra, a word with a multiplicity of meanings, useful not only for studying the scriptures but also for contemplation in deep meditation.

In Aksara Tattva, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda teaches how in practical spiritual life, one should weigh every word as well as every thought very carefully to gain inner peace, love, and wisdom, ultimately leading to the experience of Aksara, the Eternal.

Published 2017

ISBN: 978-3-99000-084-7

71 Seiten

Price: 9€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

The Prapanna Gita, also known as the Pandava Gita, is a beautiful compilation of quotes from many great personalities, from the puranic age, that glorify the Lord in an inimitable manner. This text is in the form of prayers. Although small in size, since it has only eighty-three verses, each verse of the Prapanna Gita has a depth of devotion and total surrender which inspires a spiritual seeker to become immersed in the ocean of love for the Lord.

Published 2002

ISBN: 978-1-931733-01-4

42 Pages

Price: 5€ + Shipping

English, Sanskrit

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

The Bhagavad Gita, or Song of the Lord, is traditionally divided into three parts (tri sataka) of six chapters each, for a total of 700 verses which lead progressively from delusion to divine perfection. It is the discussion between Shri Krishna, the Lord as spiritual master, and Arjuna, the beloved disciple. The Bhagavad Gita was recorded by the great sage Maharshi Vyasa and represents the life story of each human being in their spiritual struggle for God-realization. Each of the Sanskrit verses in this pocket-size edition is accompanied by the Roman transliteration and Paramahamsa Hariharananda’s English translation.

Published 2011

ISBN: 978-81-87825-45-6

385 Pages

Price: 6€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Imagine how many problems could be solved if everyone practiced the art of speaking with love. Many of our individual conflicts would soon disappear. Moreover, countless misunderstandings and perilous situations within families, society, and other countries could be avoided.

When someone speaks to us respectfully, it has an impact. One loving word can lift us from despair to joy. On the other hand, one cruel or thoughtless word can haunt our minds for days or decades. Our words are powerful and must be used wisely and with care.

Speak with Love addresses our inability to communicate with compassion and understanding. In this timely book Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji shares the key to bringing harmony to all our interactions. When you practice speaking with love, you will discover its remarkable transformational power: it adds beauty and light to the world.

Published 2023

ISBN: 978-3-99000-172-1

38 Pages

Price: 2€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

In writing this small but powerful book Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji invites us to glimpse the virtues that guided Shri Gurudev Paramahamsa Hariharananda to achieve the highest goal in life. It is an intimate reflection on the qualities that transformed Shri Gurudev from a disciple into a God-realized master. There is transformational magic in Shri Gurudev’s values and love. He followed the teachings of his masters implicitly until his last breath.
This book challenges us as seekers to look deeply into the mirrors of our lives. We like to believe we are on the spiritual path, but are we truly striving for change? Shri Gurudev was a rare human being who transformed his beliefs into reality. His life bore the message that we can do the same by following in his footprints. Reading this book will teach you about humility and fill you with gratitude for this extraordinary master and his exemplary life.

Published 2023

ISBN: 978-3-99000-169-1

38 Pages

Price: 2€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

There is an easy way to make the world a better place. What is it? Keep smiling! A smile is the quickest way to make the world more beautiful, the quickest way to make a difference in someone’s life. Just as the sun warms and nourishes the earth, a friendly smile warms and feeds the hearts of others. When we smile, we express our inner sunshine, our true nature, our soul.
As a result of modern innovations the world seems smaller, unfortunately, for many of us, the distance between our hearts has grown. In this timely and uplifting booklet, Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji discusses the powerful, healing effects a smile brings to us and others. Hidden within a simple smile is the spirit of oneness and true harmony.

Published 2022

ISBN: 978-3-99000-089-2

34 Pages

Price: 2€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

When you open this booklet, you will magically find yourself sitting at the feet of Paramahamsa Hariharananda, one of the twentieth century’s most remarkable and beloved spiritual giants. Shri Gurudev had an uncanny ability to simplify profound spiritual truth, making it intelligible to seekers at every stage of the journey. His teachings are straightforward, heartfelt, practical, and applicable to young or old. Practicing them consistently with love and devotion will lead to greater levels of awareness.
This small booklet is a priceless gift of love from the omniscient master. The teachings are taken from the treasured notes of his most worthy disciple, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda. As you read Shri Gurudev’s words, you will feel his presence, encouragement, and love. You will feel like he is spreading to you.
If you never had the opportunity to meet this great master, you can do so now. You will discover that once Paramahamsa Hariharananda enters your heart, he will remain with you forever.

Published 2021

ISBN: 978-3-99000-163-9

36 Pages

Price: 2€ + Shipping

English, German

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

When you open this booklet, you will magically find yourself sitting at the feet of Paramahamsa Hariharananda, one of the twentieth century’s most remarkable and beloved spiritual giants. Shri Gurudev had an uncanny ability to simplify profound spiritual truth, making it intelligible to seekers at every stage of the journey. His teachings are straightforward, heartfelt, practical, and applicable to young or old. Practicing them consistently with love and devotion will lead to greater levels of awareness.


This small booklet is a priceless gift of love from the omniscient master. The teachings are taken from the treasured notes of his most worthy disciple, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda. As you read Shri Gurudev’s words, you will feel his presence, encouragement, and love. You will feel like he is spreading to you.


If you never had the opportunity to meet this great master, you can do so now. You will discover that once Paramahamsa Hariharananda enters your heart, he will remain with you forever.

Published 2022

ISBN: 978-3-99000-163-9

48 Seiten

Preis: 2€ + Versandkosten

Deutsche, Englische, Italienische Ausgabe

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji’s booklet, Practicing Patience, provides a timely and proven remedy for a world suffering from the stress of unimaginable difficulties and problems. It is thought-provoking and healing. By practicing the art of patience, we can overcome difficulties, and we can create an environment that encourages others to do the same. Why practice patience? Simply put, the world we live in is rued by the principle of time; time moves at its own pace, not ours. From birth until death we need to master patience in order to overcome life’s obstacles, grow spiritually, and surrender to God’s perfect timing.

Published 2020


36 Pages

Price: 2€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

📕 Multilingual ebook Release 📚
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We wish you an interesting and inspiring read.


Our inability to contain the coronavirus pandemic has left many of us searching for answers and struggling to stay afloat. Turbulent waves of uncertainty and fear surround us. Many of us feel victimized and angry. We are concerned about our health, the health of loved ones, and the economic unraveling. This microscopic foe, COVID-19, has shaken the world to its core. Hopefully, it has also awakened some of us from our slumber.

For far too long, humankind has been traveling down a path of wanton destruction and greed, with an appalling disregard for other living beings. Could this virus be the result of our reckless behavior? In this candid and profound little booklet Paramahamsa Prajnanananda discusses many of the perplexing problems humanity is now facing and how we can use the current crisis to heal ourselves and the planet. During this critical chapter of the world’s evolution, we must learn from our mistakes, vow to change our lives, and lift up those around us.

Published 2021

ISBN: 978-3-99000-152-3

40 Pages

Price: 2€ + Shipping

German, English, French, Hungarian, Italian, Polish and Russian editions

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Published 2006

ISBN: 978-3-902038-55-5

56 Pages

Price: 1€ + Shipping

English, Sanskrit

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

📕 Multilingual ebook Release 📚
Read the free e-book online now
We wish you an interesting and inspiring read.

Our inability to contain the coronavirus pandemic has left many of us searching for answers and struggling to stay afloat. Turbulent waves of uncertainty and fear surround us. Many of us feel victimized and angry. We are concerned about our health, the health of loved ones, and the economic unraveling. This microscopic foe, COVID-19, has shaken the world to its core. Hopefully, it has also awakened some of us from our slumber.


For far too long, humankind has been traveling down a path of wanton destruction and greed, with an appalling disregard for other living beings. Could this virus be the result of our reckless behavior? In this candid and profound little booklet Paramahamsa Prajnanananda discusses many of the perplexing problems humanity is now facing and how we can use the current crisis to heal ourselves and the planet. During this critical chapter of the world's evolution, we must learn from our mistakes, vow to change our lives, and lift up those around us.

Published 2021

ISBN: 978-3-99000-152-3

52 Seiten

Preis: 2€ + Versandkosten

Deutsche, Englische, Französische, Ungarische, Italienische, Polnische und Russische Ausgabe

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

The ancient technique of Kriya Yoga was rediscovered in the nineteenth century by Lahiri Mahasaya. A husband and father, he nonetheless led an exceptional spiritual life. After being inititated by Mahavatar Babaji, he was instructed by the deathless guru to return to family life and spread this simple and effective technique. One of his disciples, Swami Shriyukteshwarji, was the master of both Paramahamsa Yogananda and Paramahamsa Hariharananda, who spread Kriya Yoga to the West.

Published 2011

ISBN: 978-3-99000-035-9

40 Pages

Price: 9€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Even this shall pass away… Let these words find a home in your heart and mind. They possess the power to unburden you and lift the veil that covers the Truth. Everything in this world is changing, our circumstances, our bodies. Nevertheless, one thing is changeless and eternal; the secret to discovering it can be found on the pages of this marvelous little book.

As you read this book, you will pause to contemplate the wisdom it contains. Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji’s intimate and thought-provoking words, infused with the love and beauty of his soul, will speak to you, inspire you. The words will touch your soul and remain with you long after reading the book.

Published 2019

ISBN: 978-3-99000-098-4

36 Pages

Price: 2€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Sorrow is a dark, foreboding storm cloud that covers the sunshine of happiness. Just as nowhere on earth is sunny every day, no person’s life is free from the menacing clouds of sorrow.

In this uplifting and insightful booklet, Freedom from Sorrow, we learn that freedom from sorrow does not mean we will always be free from hardship and misfortune; it means that when unpleasant circumstances arrive, we can remain unshaken and free ourselves from sorrow’s icy grip. Through his deep understanding of the human condition, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda explains the actions that lead us to a state of sadness and depression. He teaches us the practical steps we can take to overcome negative thinking and reacting to difficult situations that confront us. In a world where many of us fall victim to the negativity and uncertainty that surrounds us, this small booklet holds the key to finding lasting happiness.

Published 2018

ISBN: 978-3-99000-095-3

34 Pages

Price: 2€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Judging others ruins relationships, distorts reality, causes unhappiness, destroys peace of mind, creates division, and prevents us from going further on the spiritual path. Unfortunately for most of us, judging others comes so naturally that we barely notice when judgments seep into our thoughts and words. It is a tendency that many on the spiritual journey long to overcome. Not judging others is a daily battle, and because we don’t understand it or know how to stop it, it is a battle we most often lose.
A judgmental attitude is a formidable foe, but in this insightful booklet, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda teaches us how to be victorious in our battle. We learn that only through inner awareness, compassion for others, sympathy, and understanding can we rise above this tendency. Then we can take a giant stride forward in experiencing divine love and unity.

Published 2017

ISBN: 978-3-99000-085-4

32 Pages

Price: 2€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Many spiritual masters have advised seekers to regularly write in a diary, keeping note of their daily activities and practice. It is a simple way of assessing how we are proceeding on the spiritual path. It is through self-analysis that we can get a clear picture of what we are really doing in our daily lives, what the problems are, and how we can make practical and positive changes so that we can transform our lives and experience more love, peace, happiness, and success. This life is a gift of God, and we should utilize this life intelligently for self-improvement and inner transformation.

Published 2009

ISBN: 978-3-902038-26-5

20 Pages

Price: 4€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Selected Essays of Paramahamsa Hariharananda represents the heart and soul of this great Kriya Yoga master’s message, a message steeped in unconditional love and the oneness of all, a message that he lived every moment of his life. The teachings in this book emanate from his profound spiritual experience and unfathomable wisdom. Many were blessed to be in the presence of this modern-day sage while the deepest spiritual truths spontaneously flowed from him. His teachings took root in the hearts of countless seekers whose lives were transformed. During his lifetime, the beloved and revered master brought thousands of souls to the path of Kriya Yoga. Even today, years after his death, thousands are still drawn to the path by the eternal presence of his immense spiritual power.

This beautiful book is an opportunity for us to experience the breadth and depth of the divine teachings of Paramahamsa Hariharananda, a God-realized master. His sole purpose was to awaken others to Truth. From this collection of soul-stirring essays, we can learn from one who reached the pinnacle of realization, but remained among us to show us the way. While on this Earth, the master often told his disciples, „I am only here for you.“ That great assurance and love lives on in his teachings.

Published 2016

ISBN: 978-3-99000-075-5

192 Pages

Price: 11€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

As the entire creation is God’s play, it follows that you and I are all part of the game. We should all, therefore, try to play the game of life with the intention of winning. If you want to be a yogi, be balanced, be a successful actor, and be constantly aware that life is a mere drama.

Published 2005

ISBN: 978-3-902038-26-5

31 Pages

Price: 1€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

This book contains the precious recollections of Paramahamsa Hariharananda’s loving disciple and successor, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda, who had the opportunity to hear and witness first-hand many of the incidents recorded here. Prajnananandaji gives a vivid picture of the life and the unique personality of a realized master of yoga. What emerges is a portrait of Paramahamsa Hariharananda as a truly great, yet extremely humble soul, with a deep compassion for humanity. This fascinating biography contains a wealth of details not only about the life and teachings of this enlightened master, but also about India’s spiritual heritage and the sacred truths extolled by our ancient wisdom.

Published 2006

ISBN: 978-3-902038-27-2

275 Pages

Price: 18€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

The life of a realized master is mysterious. The life and teaching of the great master Mahavatar Babaji is even more mysterious and hidden. Although nothing is known about his life, his mission and teachings are well-known throughout the world.
Originally written in Oriya by Paramahamsa Prajnanananda Giri, this book is a loving tribute to the Deathless Guru.

Published 2006

ISBN: 978-3-902038-28-9

89 Pages

Price: 9€ + Shipping

English, German

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

In The Ten Commandments of Yoga, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda explains in detail the origin and meanings of the major steps in the path to enlightenment, from the path of self-discipline, Yama and Niyama, to the path of surrender to the Divine, Ishwara Pranidhana. Through clear explanations of abstract concepts and illustrative anecdotes, this discussion makes pursuit of a God-consciousness and moral life seem possible and appealing. Cultivating the virtues of non-violence, truthfulness, and self-awareness, we may know inner contentment and what it means to be a yogi.

Published 2012

ISBN: 978-3-99000-002-1

173 Pages

Price: 11 Euro + Shipping


Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Yoga, Pathway to the Divine clarifies the real meaning of the often-misused term yoga, dispelling the frequent misconception about this eternal and sacred science. The author brilliantly captures our attention revealing the powerful truth of breath control as the tool to mind control and emphasizes that the inner meaning of yoga is a state of balance and equanimity, giving us hints on how to attain a yogic state where one may, eventually, experience the union of the individual self with that Supreme Self.

Published 2009

ISBN: 978-3-99000-004-5

140 Pages

Price: 11 Euro + Shipping

English, German

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

This small but concise booklet contains a treasure trove of priceless information for all new initiates on the sacred path of Kriya Yoga.

Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji lovingly explains the meaning of the initiation ceremony and outlines the necessary guidelines that all sincere Kriya Yoga practitioners should follow.

The Master provides timeless wisdom and practical instructions that will ultimately enable the disciple to achieve life’s highest goal.

Published 2014

ISBN: 978-3-99000-054-0

56 Pages, Price: 2 Euro + Shipping

German, English, French, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish and Hungarian editions


What is our conception of religion in these modern times? When looking back through history, or thinking about the current situation, people sometimes quickly come to the conclusion that there is no need for religion. Every religion has made a great contribution to human civilization and creativity, enriching both the arts and culture, and above all, human life in its infinite aspects. A proper understanding of religious values and principles, as well as their practical application, can improve human life.

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

What is our conception of religion in these modern times? When looking back through history, or thinking about the current situation, people sometimes quickly come to the conclusion that there is no need for religion. Every religion has made a great contribution to human civilization and creativity, enriching both the arts and culture, and above all, human life in its infinite aspects. A proper understanding of religious values and principles, as well as their practical application, can improve human life.

Often people do not get the chance to understand the true spirit of the various religions. An open mind, love in the heart, as well as inner experience are needed to gain this understanding.

Paramahamsa Hariharananda was a visionary and a great soul who loved all religions equally. He was free of religious dogma and fanatical ideas. His method of teaching was unique, and his views were broad and inclusive, and touched the heart. As a mystic, he was able to enrich the lives of countless people, irrespective of their religious backgrounds, who loved him as their own prophet or holy person.

This compilation, presenting the major religions of the world and their key principles, aims to offer the layperson an appreciation of their underlying unity, and lead to an enlightened and universal perspective. Unity in diversity is the beauty of humanity. We can weave this fabric of unity with the threads of love and understanding. May this vision of the great master create an integrated bond of love and understanding within humanity.

Published 2017

ISBN: 978-3-902038-73-9

107 Pages

Price: 11€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

The journey of civilization, the passage of time, and the spread of commercialization have resulted in social lifestyle changes in the latter part of the nineteenth century. The West witnessed a great upsurge of materialism and downswing n human values such as love and compassion. To bring a balance in both the materialism of the West as well as the eternal human values of love, kindness,and compassion of the East, the enlightened spiritual masters of India brought their beautiful teachings to enrich human civilization and to seamlessly blend the spiritual with the material.

Published 2014

ISBN: 978-3-99000-056-4

90 Pages

Price: 5€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Metaphorical Explanation of the Torah and the New Testament in the Light of Kriya Yoga.

‚The essence of all religious practices, all scriptures and the teachings of all the prophets, saints and sages and realized masters is to get calmness and love through proper understanding and meditation. The religions bring understanding, unity and universal love. This work is a sincere effort to bring the common spiritual understanding, experience and unity of all faiths …

It is a synthesis of the spiritual books of many religions realized through deep meditation. Swami Prajnanananda, my loving disciple, has tried his utmost to bring this work to the hands of spiritual aspirants. Surely the readers of his book will get extreme spiritual impetus for meditation and God-realization.‘ —From the foreword by Paramahamsa Hariharananda.

Published 2006

ISBN: 978-3-902038-29-6

445 Pages, Softcover

Price: 18€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Hariharananda

Zum 100. Geburtstag des großen Kriya Yoga Meisters Paramahamsa Hariharananda erscheint diese DVD, die die wichtigsten Lebensstationen des großen Yogi nachzeichnet. Enge Schüler wie Paramahamsa Prajnanananda oder Swami Mangalananda Giri kommen in diesem wunderbaren Film ebenso zu Wort wie einige Mitglieder der Brahmanenfamilie von Gurudev. Viele Aufnahmen entstanden an Originalschauplätzen in Indien, den USA und Europa.


Ein Must-See für alle Kriyavans!

Publiziert 2006

DVD, 56 Min

Preis: 10€ + Versandkosten

In englischer Sprache mit deutschen Untertiteln

by Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

The secret of immortality lies within the simple and loving words of the Lord’s Prayer. The deepest truths are often cloaked with a veil of simple ideas and words. Who can fathom the depth of the humble words “Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”?

More than two millennia ago a disciple asked Lord Jesus how to pray. He responded with the words that are now known as the Lord’s Prayer. One can imagine that Jesus knew this beautiful prayer would not be for only a select few, but would endure for centuries, to be repeated by countless worshippers and seekers, to become one of the most beloved prayers of all times.

Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji’s commentary on the Lord’s Prayer is thought provoking and unique. His deep love for Jesus ignites the flame of love in our hearts. His profound understanding of the Truth reveals the prayer’s underlying spiritual meaning. The reader will undoubtedly quickly discover that beyond the surface of the prayer’s words lies divine treasure. Paramahamsaji helps us see that prayer is much more than reciting beautiful or loving words. He tells us that as seekers on the path we must bring those words to life in our thoughts, words, and actions.

Published 2019

ISBN: 978-3-99000-096-0

178 Seiten, Preis: 13 Euro + Versandkosten

Language: English

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

The gospel according to Luke, Chapter 11, verses two, three, and four, are among the most beloved in all of the Bible. Commonly referred to as the Lord’s Prayer, our understanding is deepened by the insight and love or Guruji Paramahamsa Prajnanananda’s commentary.

Published 2011

This CD contains 4 - 1 hour discourses

Price: 11€ + Shipping


Swami Atmavidyananda

Published 2016


Price: 10€ + Shipping


by Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

A life without values is meaningless. A life without virtue cannot blossom and grow. Values and virtue are essential in worldly life and are vital ingredients on the spiritual path. The truth is that values and virtues are the true beauty in life, infusing it with unyielding steadiness and purpose.
Over two thousand years ago Lord Jesus delivered a sermon that was so powerful and inspiring that it will forever withstand the test of time. Known as the Sermon on the Mount, this sermon begins with sacred blessings known as the Beatitudes. These blessings reveal the qualities necessary to transform our lives and promote divinity.
Lord Jesus, the master of unconditional love, gave us the Beatitudes, the divine remedy for a lost and suffering world. Paramahamsa Prajnanananda shares his profound and illuminating insights on these timeless teachings, linking them to our modern lifestyle and challenges. Pause and reflect upon the depth of these words. Imprint them on your mind and heart forever.

Published 2022

ISBN: 978-3-99000-162-2

134 Seiten, Preis: 16 Euro + Versandkosten

Language: English

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Dieser kleine, jedoch präzise Leit- faden enthält eine Fundgrube an unschätzbar wertvollen Ausführungen für alle, die in den heiligen Pfad des Kriya Yoga neu eingeweiht werden. Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji erklärt liebevoll die Bedeutung der Einweihungszeremonie und fasst die nötigen praktischen Anweisungen zusammen, denen ein aufrichtiger Kriya Yoga Schüler folgen sollte.


Der Meister beschenkt uns mit zeitloser Weisheit und praktischen Anweisungen, die es dem Schüler letztendlich ermöglichen werden, das höchste Ziel im Leben zu erreichen.

Neuauflage 2021

ISBN: 978-3-99000-104-2

62 Seiten

Preis: 2€ + Versandkosten

Deutsche, Englische, Französische, Polnische, Portugiesische, Spanische und Ungarische Ausgabe

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Imagine sitting among the crowd as Lord Jesus delivered one of the most beautiful and beloved discourses of the Holy Bible immortal words that have withstood the test of time for over two thousand years.


The Beatitudes, also known as the Sermon on the Mount, have long been recognized as some of Jesus‘ most inspiring teachings. In the Gospel of Matthew (5), Jesus instructed his disciples on the art of right thinking and virtuous living, painting a picture of the road to spiritual success, a road accessible to us all. We now have the rare opportunity to hear inspiring commentary on this sermon from another spiritual giant: Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji provides rich and deep insight into this remarkable sermon, suggesting practical ways we can apply its timeless wisdom to our daily lives. Understanding this revered wisdom can make us and the world around us more beautiful. Many of Prajnananandaji’s favorite stories and parables are woven into these teachings, which eloquently guide us along the amazing personal journey toward enlightenment and self-perfection.

Published 2010

This CD contains 9 discourses, each 45–60 minutes long

Price: 22€ + Shipping


Swami Atmavidyananda

This is a wonderful collection of eight songs, in honor of Gurudev, sung by Swami Atmavidyananda Giri. The songs includes:



1. Namami Sadgurum Shantam – Salutations to Guru
2. Agocharam Priyam Vadam – I Bow to Gurudev
3. Paramahamsa Hariharananda – Prostrations to the Kriya Master
4. Hai Prarthana Gurudev SE – Let this World Be Like Heaven
5. Guruvara Tumhi Bata Do – O Gurudev at Whose Feet Should I Take Refuge?
6. Jay Sadguru Devan Devavaram – Glory to Gurudev
7. Shri Gurumurti Chidananda Jyoti – Guru is Pure Consciousness
8. Arati Shri Sadguru Charanan Ki – Vesper to Gurudev


Published 2015


Price: 10€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Die erste Ausgabe war drei Jahre vergriffen und wurde auf vielseitigem Wunsch wieder aufgelegt. In einer faszinierenden Analogie zwischen dem äußerem Universum und dem menschlichen Körper beschreibt Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji wie wir unvergängliches Glück in uns selbst finden können. Dieses Buch ist auch wunderbar als Geschenk geeignet.


Wussten Sie, dass die höchsten Berge der Welt, die Himalayas, sich in unserem Körper spiegeln und mit ihren Erhebungen die menschliche Entwicklung repräsentieren? Wussten Sie, dass all die Sterne und Galaxien in unserem inneren Firmament reflektiert sind? War es Ihnen jemals bewusst, dass hunderte Flüsse durch unser Nervensystem strömen, der mächtigste Strom jedoch unerschlossen blieb?


Das Innere Universum: Eine Reise durch die Chakren bietet uns einen neuen Weg an, die Welt zu betrachten. In einer faszinierenden Analogie zwischen dem äußerem Universum und dem menschlichen Körper beschreibt uns Paramahamsa Prajnanananda, ein hoch entwickelter Yogi, wie wir unvergängliches Glücksgefühl in uns selbst finden können. Wenn wir einmal verstehen das Geheimnis des inneren Universums zu erforschen, brauchen wir nicht mehr endlos hinter falschen Versprechen von Vergnügungen hinterherlaufen oder für fiktives Glück ein Vermögen auszugeben. All unsere tiefsten Wünsche werden aus unserem Inneren erfüllt – wir werden glücklich sein, nicht nur für einen Moment, sondern durchaus ein Leben lang.


Dieses informative und faszinierende Buch ist in einem einfachen, ergreifenden Stil geschrieben und verbindet uralte Weisheit mit modernen, all-täglichen Situationen. Weder ausufernde metaphysische Erklärungen, noch Yogastellungen sind hier nötig – für jene von uns, die viel Zeit und Geld auf der Suche nach Glück aufwenden, ist dieses Buch bestimmt eine gute Investition.


(Engl. Originaltitel „The Universe Within“)

Neuauflage 2021

ISBN: 978-3-99000-102-8

159 Seiten

Preis: 12€ + Versandkosten

Deutsche, Englische, Italienische, Polnische, Spanische Ausgabe

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Throughout history few men have left an indelible mark on humanity as profound as Saint Francis, the humble monk from Assisi. After a reckless and worldly life as a youth, his time in the military became the catalyst of a deeply spiritual life. In this book, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda explores the great Saint’s compassion, courage, and his commitment to his chosen master, Lord Jesus.

Published 2010

ISBN: 978-3-99000-016-8

357 Pages

Price: 14€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

The Yoga Vasishtha is an ancient scripture in which Sage Vasishtha taught the principles of Vedanta to his student, Shri Rama, when he was in a state of despondency. The teachings are presented in the form of intriguing stories aimed at helping us to understand the concepts of consciousness, creation, dispassion, longing for liberation, existence, dissolution, and ultimately attaining liberation.
Recorded at a retreat in Florida Paramahamsa Prajnanananda helps us explore how to bring these beautiful and practical spiritual teachings into our daily lives.

Published 2011

Set of 2 CDs - 24 discourses, each 45–55 minutes long

Price: 44€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Hariharananda

Symbols are widely used in religions and spiritual life.The spiritual symbols have a deep spiritual connotation and a universal message for humanity. They bear messages for how to live and grow spiritually. Every symbol is beautiful and provides inspiration for daily life.

This booklet is a compilation of the mystical messages of Paramahamsa Hariharananda revealing the truth behind many symbols used in various religions and cultures.

Published 2006

ISBN: 978-3-902038-66-1

136 Pages

Price: 6€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

In the ashrams of Paramahamsa Hariharananda, the devotional prayer Tvameva Mata is recited every night at vesper. Join Paramahamsa Prajnanananda as he offers a loving glimpse into this simple verse of adoration to the Guru.

Published 2011

This CD contains 5 - 1 hour discourses

Price: 13€ + Shipping


Das Centenary Komitee

Dieses Buch enthält nur einen kleinen Ausschnitt aus dem Schatz der Lebenserfahrung und der Lehren des großen indischen Yogi und Welthumanisten Paramahamsa Hariharananda. Er hatte den Glauben an die Heiligkeit und göttliche Essenz des menschlichen Geistes und daran, dass das Erkennen des wahren Selbst das göttliche Geburtsrecht jedes Menschen ist.


Er lehrte uns, dass Gott nicht nur unsere ursprüngliche und letztendliche Bestimmung, sondern auch ein immerwährender Begleiter auf unserem Weg ist. Paramahamsa Hariharananda selbst diente uns als ein lebendiger, göttlicher Freund. Er ging zu seinen Lebzeiten mit uns, und er begleitet uns noch immer.


Feiern Sie mit uns das Leben und die Lehren dieser großartigen Seele. Er wusste immer, dass weder Zeit noch Raum die Wahrheit begrenzen. Ergreifen Sie seine ausgestreckte Hand und lassen Sie sich von ihm sicher durchs „Weltenmeer“ führen. Erkennen auch Sie, dass ihr Leben wertvoller ist, als Sie jemals gedacht hatten.

New edition 2018

ISBN: 978-3-99000-106-6

79 Seiten

Preis: 7€ + Versandkosten

Deutsche, Englische Ausgabe

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Throughout history, there has never been a more comprehensive and influential work on the philosophy and practice of yoga than the Yoga Sutra of Sage Patanjali. Indeed, Sage Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra has long been regarded as the primary authority on yoga disciplines and techniques for leading seekers to the direct experience of God. All branches of yoga find their origins in the great sutras of Sage Patanjali. Although some reference to yoga was made in earlier Upanishads, it is not until Sage Patanjali presented his reformatted compilation of aphorisms that we see yoga well organized into a system of practice.


The Yoga Sutra is divided into four padas (books): Samadhi Pada focuses on our ultimate goal, Sadhana Pada on the means or practice, Vibhuti Pada on the signs of progress and obstacles, and Kaivalya Pada on realization or liberation. This unparalleled work consists of 196 sutras (aphorisms). Sutras (meaning “threads” in Sanskrit) are terse statements containing the minimum language necessary to hold a chain of thoughts together. Traditionally, the sutras were passed verbally from teacher to student, with the teacher elaborating upon the deeper meaning of each sutra to the student. Now, in this brilliant and thought-provoking series of discourses, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda follows this tradition by delving into the deepest literary meaning of the original Sanskrit and its corresponding spiritual significance. His beautiful, simple, and effective method of teaching guides us through the entire text, offering profound guidance on leading a successful life of yoga. The Master provides one of the finest expositions on Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra available today by elaborating extensively on the commentaries from Sage Vyasa Bhashya, the Yoga Vartika by Vijnana Bhikshu, and other great yogis while sharing his own direct experience with yoga.


All 195 discourses were delivered during the Fifth Residential Brahmachari Training Course at Hariharananda Gurukulum in Odisha, India, from 2009 to 2010. A comprehensive series of these discourses (45 to 60 minutes each) are now available for study. They are available in a three-box-DVD set or by viewing online at

Published 2011

DVD, 3 volume set with 195 DVDs (45 to 60 minutes each)

Preis: 199€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Viele von uns werden bejahen, dass das Leben so ist, wie wir es gestalten. Aber überdenken wir auch, wie wir unser Leben gestalten? Verbringen wir unsere Tage damit, zu kritisieren und bei anderen Fehler zu finden? Falls ja, wie beeinflusst uns diese Neigung? Welche weitreichende und dauerhafte Wirkung hat sie auf das Leben der Kritisierten?


Mit seinem Ausführungen und praktischen Einblicken hilft uns der Kriya Yoga Meister Paramahamsa Prajnanananda diese zerstörerische Tendenz zu überwinden. Er zeigt uns, warum uns das Glücklichsein versagt bleibt, solange wir diese Neigung nicht aus unserem Leben beseitigt haben.

Publiziert 2016

ISBN: 978-3-99000-108-0

37 Seiten

Preis: 2€ + Versandkosten

Deutsche, Englische, Französische, Italienische, Polnische, Portugiesische, Spanische und Ungarische Ausgabe

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

In der vorliegenden Biographie von Swami Shriyukteswarji wird erstmals das Leben dieses großen Meisters umfassend dokumentiert. Damit erschließt sich die geistige Heimat, aus der Paramahamsa Yoganandaji kam, sowie die geistige Kraftquelle, aus der er geschöpft hat.


Swami Shriyukteshwar Giri is still one of the most respected and accomplished masters known today. It can easily be stated that few men have ever been blessed to play such a pivotal role in the spiritual evolution of humanity as he. His life’s message was to awaken human beings to the Truth that the primary goal in life is spirituality rather than chasing after fleeting pleasures. As a master and guru, he was renowned for his strict discipline and rigorous training, which molded the lives of many prominent disciples, most notably Paramahamsa Yogananda. His spiritual mission continued with yet another of his devoted disciples, Paramahamsa Hariharananda. Swami Shriyukteshwar Giri was the epitome of poise and dignity, and his exemplary life and inspiring teachings continue to serve as a polestar for seekers on the spiritual path.


(Engl. Originaltitel „Swami Shriyukteswar, Incarnation of Wisdom“)

Published 2013

ISBN: 978-3-89427-621-8

176 Seiten

Preis: 18€ + Versandkosten

Deutsche, Englische Ausgabe

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Divine love is the ultimate attainment of every spiritual seeker. But how is it possible to obtain this lofty goal that seems to be beyond the reach of our everyday existence an existence filled with the problems and pitfalls of human life. Paramahamsa Prajnanananda reveals that we can not only reach the heights of divine love, but we can use our everyday problems and challenges as stepping stones to help us achieve it.


Recorded at a retreat in Florida, the master takes us on a spiritual pilgrimage into the heart of the Shrimad Bhagavatam, an epic literary masterpiece of Vedic wisdom, and uncovers the deep metaphorical teachings hidden within its rich mystical tales. We find that these sacred teachings are just as relevant today as they were 5,000 years ago when written by the great Sage Vyasa.


Through the beauty and wisdom of Paramahamsa Prajnanananda’s metaphorical interpretations, we are able to leave the confines and limitations of our ordinary understanding to adopt a more panoramic view of life and its true purpose. Due to the vastness of this scripture, only some of the essential topics were selected in this twenty-one-day series.

Published 2009

ISBN: 978-3-99000-005-2

Set of 21 CDs

Price: 83€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Paramahamsa Prajnananandas brillante und anrührende Erinnerung an die letzten zehn Jahre (1992 bis 2002) seines Lehrers und Meisters, die er inmitten seiner Schüler verbracht hat.
Die Schönheit des Meisters manifestiert sich im Schüler. Ein ernsthafter Schüler, der Hingabe und Liebe in sich trägt, wird eins mit dem Meister.


(Engl. Originaltitel „The Last Decade“)

Published 2013

ISBN: 978-3-99000-103-5

320 Seiten

Preis: 15€ + Versandkosten

Deutsche, Englische Ausgabe

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