Paramahamsa Prajnanananda (2012 – 2018)

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Das Centenary Komitee

Dieses Buch enthält nur einen kleinen Ausschnitt aus dem Schatz der Lebenserfahrung und der Lehren des großen indischen Yogi und Welthumanisten Paramahamsa Hariharananda. Er hatte den Glauben an die Heiligkeit und göttliche Essenz des menschlichen Geistes und daran, dass das Erkennen des wahren Selbst das göttliche Geburtsrecht jedes Menschen ist.


Er lehrte uns, dass Gott nicht nur unsere ursprüngliche und letztendliche Bestimmung, sondern auch ein immerwährender Begleiter auf unserem Weg ist. Paramahamsa Hariharananda selbst diente uns als ein lebendiger, göttlicher Freund. Er ging zu seinen Lebzeiten mit uns, und er begleitet uns noch immer.


Feiern Sie mit uns das Leben und die Lehren dieser großartigen Seele. Er wusste immer, dass weder Zeit noch Raum die Wahrheit begrenzen. Ergreifen Sie seine ausgestreckte Hand und lassen Sie sich von ihm sicher durchs „Weltenmeer“ führen. Erkennen auch Sie, dass ihr Leben wertvoller ist, als Sie jemals gedacht hatten.

New edition 2018

ISBN: 978-3-99000-106-6

79 Seiten

Preis: 7€ + Versandkosten

Deutsche, Englische Ausgabe

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Throughout history, there has never been a more comprehensive and influential work on the philosophy and practice of yoga than the Yoga Sutra of Sage Patanjali. Indeed, Sage Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra has long been regarded as the primary authority on yoga disciplines and techniques for leading seekers to the direct experience of God. All branches of yoga find their origins in the great sutras of Sage Patanjali. Although some reference to yoga was made in earlier Upanishads, it is not until Sage Patanjali presented his reformatted compilation of aphorisms that we see yoga well organized into a system of practice.


The Yoga Sutra is divided into four padas (books): Samadhi Pada focuses on our ultimate goal, Sadhana Pada on the means or practice, Vibhuti Pada on the signs of progress and obstacles, and Kaivalya Pada on realization or liberation. This unparalleled work consists of 196 sutras (aphorisms). Sutras (meaning “threads” in Sanskrit) are terse statements containing the minimum language necessary to hold a chain of thoughts together. Traditionally, the sutras were passed verbally from teacher to student, with the teacher elaborating upon the deeper meaning of each sutra to the student. Now, in this brilliant and thought-provoking series of discourses, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda follows this tradition by delving into the deepest literary meaning of the original Sanskrit and its corresponding spiritual significance. His beautiful, simple, and effective method of teaching guides us through the entire text, offering profound guidance on leading a successful life of yoga. The Master provides one of the finest expositions on Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra available today by elaborating extensively on the commentaries from Sage Vyasa Bhashya, the Yoga Vartika by Vijnana Bhikshu, and other great yogis while sharing his own direct experience with yoga.


All 195 discourses were delivered during the Fifth Residential Brahmachari Training Course at Hariharananda Gurukulum in Odisha, India, from 2009 to 2010. A comprehensive series of these discourses (45 to 60 minutes each) are now available for study. They are available in a three-box-DVD set or by viewing online at

Published 2011

DVD, 3 volume set with 195 DVDs (45 to 60 minutes each)

Preis: 199€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Viele von uns werden bejahen, dass das Leben so ist, wie wir es gestalten. Aber überdenken wir auch, wie wir unser Leben gestalten? Verbringen wir unsere Tage damit, zu kritisieren und bei anderen Fehler zu finden? Falls ja, wie beeinflusst uns diese Neigung? Welche weitreichende und dauerhafte Wirkung hat sie auf das Leben der Kritisierten?


Mit seinem Ausführungen und praktischen Einblicken hilft uns der Kriya Yoga Meister Paramahamsa Prajnanananda diese zerstörerische Tendenz zu überwinden. Er zeigt uns, warum uns das Glücklichsein versagt bleibt, solange wir diese Neigung nicht aus unserem Leben beseitigt haben.

Publiziert 2016

ISBN: 978-3-99000-108-0

37 Seiten

Preis: 2€ + Versandkosten

Deutsche, Englische, Französische, Italienische, Polnische, Portugiesische, Spanische und Ungarische Ausgabe

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

In der vorliegenden Biographie von Swami Shriyukteswarji wird erstmals das Leben dieses großen Meisters umfassend dokumentiert. Damit erschließt sich die geistige Heimat, aus der Paramahamsa Yoganandaji kam, sowie die geistige Kraftquelle, aus der er geschöpft hat.


Swami Shriyukteshwar Giri is still one of the most respected and accomplished masters known today. It can easily be stated that few men have ever been blessed to play such a pivotal role in the spiritual evolution of humanity as he. His life’s message was to awaken human beings to the Truth that the primary goal in life is spirituality rather than chasing after fleeting pleasures. As a master and guru, he was renowned for his strict discipline and rigorous training, which molded the lives of many prominent disciples, most notably Paramahamsa Yogananda. His spiritual mission continued with yet another of his devoted disciples, Paramahamsa Hariharananda. Swami Shriyukteshwar Giri was the epitome of poise and dignity, and his exemplary life and inspiring teachings continue to serve as a polestar for seekers on the spiritual path.


(Engl. Originaltitel „Swami Shriyukteswar, Incarnation of Wisdom“)

Published 2013

ISBN: 978-3-89427-621-8

176 Seiten

Preis: 18€ + Versandkosten

Deutsche, Englische Ausgabe

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Divine love is the ultimate attainment of every spiritual seeker. But how is it possible to obtain this lofty goal that seems to be beyond the reach of our everyday existence an existence filled with the problems and pitfalls of human life. Paramahamsa Prajnanananda reveals that we can not only reach the heights of divine love, but we can use our everyday problems and challenges as stepping stones to help us achieve it.


Recorded at a retreat in Florida, the master takes us on a spiritual pilgrimage into the heart of the Shrimad Bhagavatam, an epic literary masterpiece of Vedic wisdom, and uncovers the deep metaphorical teachings hidden within its rich mystical tales. We find that these sacred teachings are just as relevant today as they were 5,000 years ago when written by the great Sage Vyasa.


Through the beauty and wisdom of Paramahamsa Prajnanananda’s metaphorical interpretations, we are able to leave the confines and limitations of our ordinary understanding to adopt a more panoramic view of life and its true purpose. Due to the vastness of this scripture, only some of the essential topics were selected in this twenty-one-day series.

Published 2009

ISBN: 978-3-99000-005-2

Set of 21 CDs

Price: 83€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Paramahamsa Prajnananandas brillante und anrührende Erinnerung an die letzten zehn Jahre (1992 bis 2002) seines Lehrers und Meisters, die er inmitten seiner Schüler verbracht hat.
Die Schönheit des Meisters manifestiert sich im Schüler. Ein ernsthafter Schüler, der Hingabe und Liebe in sich trägt, wird eins mit dem Meister.


(Engl. Originaltitel „The Last Decade“)

Published 2013

ISBN: 978-3-99000-103-5

320 Seiten

Preis: 15€ + Versandkosten

Deutsche, Englische Ausgabe

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

A commentary on Adi Shankara’s Nirvana Shatakam. This inspiring commentary on an ancient text illuminates the seeker, who discovers that beyond the finite body and mind shines the infinite soul, pure and ever free.

Published 2009

ISBN: 978-3-99000-000-7

Set of 5 CDs

Price: 37€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Dieses Werk ist eine persönliche Aufzeichnung über die intensive Zeit bis 1998, die Paramahamsa Prajnanananda mit Gurudev verbrachte. Viele Abbildungen und vor allem Baba Hariharanandas handschriftliche Briefe machen dieses Werk zu einem spirituellen „Schatz“ für alle Kriyavans.


(Engl. Originaltitel „My Time with the Master“)

Published 2012

ISBN: 978-3-99000-101-1

260 Seiten

Preis: 12€ + Versandkosten

Deutsche, Englische Ausgabe

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

A tribute to Paramahamsa Hariharananda offered with love and devotion by his beloved disciple, Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji – 3 CD set.
CD One: Bhajans with Metaphorical Interpretation, recorded in Vienna, Austria, July 1998
CD Two: Devotional Songs, recorded in Cleveland, OH, August 1998
CD Three: Sumananjali-A Tribute to Paramahamsa Hariharananda, recorded in Cleveland, OH, May 1999.

Published 2007

Set of 3 CDs

Price: 18€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Hariharananda

Der indische Yogameister Paramahamsa Hariharananda führt in eine der ältesten und ursprünglichsten Formen des Yoga ein: Der Kriya Yoga vereinigt die wirkungsvollsten Techniken der traditio- nellen Yogasysteme. Ihre Übung stärkt, reinigt und verjüngt den Körper und verleiht dem Verstand Brillanz, Klarheit und Geduld.


Kriya Yoga bildet die Schnellstraße aller Religionen und den schnellsten Weg zum Erfolg.

~ Paramahamsa Hariharananda

Publiziert 2004

ISBN: 978-3-7205-2556-5

328 Seiten

Preis: 20,60€ + Versandkosten

Deutsche, Englische, Französische, Italienische, Polnische, Portugiesische, Spanische und Ungarische Ausgabe

Paramahamsa Hariharananda

The words and wisdom of Paramahamsa Hariharananda. Audio.

Published 2006


Price: 11€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Das seit langem erwartete Handbuch mit Biographien und essentiellen Lehren der Meister der Kriya Yoga Linie von Babaji über Yogananda bis Paramahamsa Hariharananda.

Publiziert 2000

ISBN: 978-3-902038-06-7

139 Seiten

Preis: 9€ + Versandkosten

Deutsche, Englische Ausgabe

Paramahamsa Hariharananda

Published 2006


Price: 10€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Der Autor zeigt Schritt für Schritt Methoden, um mit Hilfe der von ihm zusammengestellten Schriften und Texte im täglichen Leben spirituell fortzuschreiten.


Yoga, Pathway to the Divine clarifies the real meaning of the often-misused term yoga, dispelling the frequent misconception about this eternal and sacred science. The author brilliantly captures our attention revealing the powerful truth of breath control as the tool to mind control and emphasizes that the inner meaning of yoga is a state of balance and equanimity, giving us hints on how to attain a yogic state where one may, eventually, experience the union of the individual self with that Supreme Self.

Publiziert 1999

ISBN: 978-3-902038-02-9

119 Seiten

Preis: 9€ + Versandkosten

Deutsche, Englische, Französische, Italienische, Polnische Ausgabe

Paramahamsa Hariharananda

Published 2006


Price: 10€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Leben und Lehren des geheimnisvollen Mahayogi Babaji. Auf seine Anweisung werden die Lehren des Kriya Yoga durch die Linie der Meister wie Lahiri Mahasaya, Shri Yukteshwar, Yogananda und Paramahamsa Hariharananda an wahre spirituelle Aspiranten weitergegeben.


The life of a realized master is mysterious. The life and teaching of the great master Mahavatar Babaji is even more mysterious and hidden. Although nothing is known about his life, his mission and teachings are well-known throughout the world.
Originally written in Oriya by Paramahamsa Prajnanananda Giri, this book is a loving tribute to the Deathless Guru.

Publiziert 1999

ISBN: 978-3-902038-00-5

91 Seiten

Preis: 7€ + Versandkosten

Deutsche, Englische Ausgabe

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

This most inspiring and thought-provoking lecture, filmed at a 2004 Kriya Yoga retreat in Denmark, begins by Paramahamsa Prajnanananda discussing the need for inner growth – growth in heart, spirit, love and joy. For this growth, real knowledge of the Self is needed. He speaks about how to attain Self-knowledge, Truth, and complete awareness through the practice of Kriya Yoga. He provides an understanding of Kriya Yoga, why to practice it, and the beauty and benefits of this spiritual path.


Proceeds benefit the Hariharananda Balashram, a home and school for the poor children of Orissa, India.

Published 2006

DVD, Price: 18€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Our life is like a book and each one of us is the author of our own life story. In this five-DVD set, titled Change Your Life Paramahamsa Prajnanananda teaches the necessary and practical skills needed to make our lives a divine masterpiece.


Filmed at a retreat in Denmark, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda delivers five beautiful and enlightening discourses that captivate the hearts, and expand the minds of his audience. The master explains why we must first change our attitude towards the world, our friends, our family, and most importantly, ourselves, before we can change our lives. Using metaphors from the scriptures, personal recollections, and even Aesops Fables, he lovingly inspires and encourages us on our journey back to God.


Proceeds benefit the Hariharananda Balashram, a home and school for the poor children of Orissa, India.

Published 2006

5-DVD Set

Price: 50€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

A profound understanding of our true nature and how Kriya Yoga can once more awaken us to our divinity.

Published 2004

DVD, Price: 18€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Prayer: a simple act of spirituality, a form of communication with God, an expression of love for God. Prayer has a healing effect on body, mind, and the Soul. This small collection contains a variety of prayers from the Vedas until modern times. We hope that this garland of prayers compiled from different scriptures and saintly figures will enhance your relationship with God and help you to intensify your spiritual practice. A companion prayer booklet is also available.

Published 2003


Price: 10€ + Shipping



Paramhamsa Hariharananda was one of the greatest masters of Kriya Yoga and a legend among spiritual seekers of the 20th century. He attained the ultimate state of nirviklapa Samadhi (state of realization). This great saint and master lead a humble life and purified the lives of his disciples. He served the spiritually needy with divine love throughout his 95 years of life. He traveled across the globe teaching Kriya Yoga, meditation and established many centres.


Kriya Yoga is mentioned in holy Hindu scripture, Srimad Bhagavad-Gita. Maharshi Patanjali is the father of yoga, as described in Yoga Sutras. Kriya yoga is based on physiology, psychology, astrology and direct experience of realized master. It can be practiced by people of all walks of life, irrespective of age and religion. The specialty of Kriya Yoga, is the simultaneous development of body, mind and soul, cultivation of life into meditation and contemplation in the shortest period of time Kriya yoga is the essence of all yogas jnana, raja, hata, karma, bhakthi, dhyana and laya.


The ancient technique of Kriya Yoga is imparted by great realized master Mahavatar Babaji, Lahiri Mahasaya, Paramahamsa Yogananda and Paramhamsa Hariharananda. His beloved spiritual successor Paramahamsa Prajanananda, is tirelessly spreading the Kriya yoga technique throughout the world.


These songs are small flowers of devotion at the feet of our beloved Guru, Hariharananda.

Published 2003


Price: 10€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Hariharananda

These inspiring discourses provide the listener with insight into the essence of living a spiritual life in the world. This is a rare opportunity to directly experience the teachings of the Master Paramahamsa Hariharananda who was an incarnation of love and compassion.

Published 2000


Price: 14€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Hariharananda

Public lecture filmed live in Miami, FL – Sept 19, 1997

Published 1997

DVD, Price: 15€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Hariharananda

This is rare recording of Paramahamsa Hariharananda delivering a powerful metaphorical interpretation of Chapter 15 of the Bhagavad Gita, as it applies to our daily lives. Part of a series of lectures recorded live in 1992 in Orlando, Florida.

Published 1992


Price: 10€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Throughout the ages, countless millions have read and followed the teachings of the Torah. It is considered to be the word of God. The Torah influenced and inspired the three major Abrahamic religions that developed in the Middle East „” Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Most notable among its teachings are the Ten Commandments, revealed to Moses by God eons ago, yet still considered the moral code for many today. One can only imagine the impact the Torah has had on the world. In the glimmering annals of sacred world scriptures, the Torah stands as significant. One can safely surmise that its long-lasting influence has been powerful.

As with all sacred texts, the Torah is often understood at only one level by the masses, when its words are taken literally. When describing the Torah, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda has said, „The Torah is a treasure trove of wisdom, but one must know how to extract its riches.“ The Torah is a deep, vast ocean of Truth, meant to be dived into, not just admired from the shore. In The Mystical Torah:
A Yogi’s Perspective, we are given a glimpse of the hidden treasures found in the Torah’s depths. With remarkable insight and clarity, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda’s commentary breathes life into this ancient text, revealing its deep inner meaning, understood by only a few. The master takes us beyond the man-made boundaries of this most hallowed text so we can discover that its stories and teachings are beautiful representations of our own sacred journeys back to divinity.

Published 2016

ISBN: 978-3-99000-072-4

277 Pages

Price: 14€ + Shipping


by Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

The path of a disciple is a beautiful but often arduous journey from imperfection to perfection, from human to divine. Decades ago, a courageous and determined young man, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda, set off on this journey under the skillful guidance of his beloved Gurudev, Paramahamsa Hariharananda, a highly esteemed God-realized master. Many set out on this journey, but few remain steadfast and follow it to the goal. Paramahamsa Prajnanananda is proof that when someone faithfully follows the master’s footsteps, reaching the goal is possible.
This is the fifth and final volume of a series that chronicles Paramahamsa Prajnanananda’s discipleship with his beloved Gurudev. Each volume offers new insight and inspiration. The simplicity of Shri Gurudev’s words lets us discover the true beauty of his teachings; he was adept at conveying the profound Truth found in mundane interactions and experiences. Paramahamsa Prajnanananda’s cherished memories of his master will captivate your heart, inspire hope, and encourage you to proceed on the spiritual path.

Published 2023

ISBN: 978-3-99000-167-7

593 Seiten

Price: 23 Euro + Shipping

Language: English

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Many ironies arise in this world of duality and illusion. The very things we think will bring us happiness, the things we habitually indulge in, often trap us and make us suffer. Just as the sweet aroma of nectar lures unsuspecting insects into a deadly pitcher plant, human beings fall victim to the fatal vices that hide in the pleasures of the world. Escaping them can be difficult.
How do we avoid the pitfalls that prevent us from realizing our divinity? How do we escape life’s traps? In „The Trap“, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda shares practical insights into these questions. Written for young and old this illustrated book helps us see the world with heightened awareness and a fresh set of eyes. We learn to recognize traps and free ourselves using self-discipline and discrimination.

Published 2023

ISBN: 978-3-99000-166-0

60 Pages

Price: 9€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Shri Gurudev Paramahamsa Hariharanandaji often stressed the critical role that environment and culture play in our lives. Maintaining a loving and calm inner environment is first and foremost when it comes to spiritual advancement. However, we cannot ignore the impact and influence that people and places have had on our evolution. This remarkable book is far more than a loving tribute to our beloved Shri Gurudev; it is a tribute to everyone and everything that helped shape his character and life.
In writing this book Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji honors a few of the important people and places in his beloved master’s life. He also teaches us about the attitude of love and respect we so desperately need. Our beloved and humble Shri Gurudev achieved the pinnacle of realization. As we quickly discover, every day of his life was a tribute to everyone who helped him achieve it.

Published 2023

ISBN: 978-3-99000-165-3

175 Pages

Price: 12€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Long ago, a brilliant and enlightened young monk named Shri Adi Shankara breathed new life into India’s long-standing monastic order and left humanity a treasure trove of his wisdom and teachings in the form of prayers, hymns, and commentary. In Shiva Aparadha Ksamapana Stotram, he reminds us how we have forgotten the One who is the source of our life and our divine nature.

In this commentary by Paramahamsa Prajnanananda, a great, God-realized Kriya Yoga Master, his deep love and reverence for Shri Adi Shankara lend themselves to this beautiful, sensitive, and thought-provoking commentary. Ever attuned to the Divine, his words emanate from the fathomless wisdom that abides within.

Published 2011

ISBN: 978-3-99000-025-0

152 Pages

Price: 11€ + Shipping


Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Shri Adi Shankara’s time on Earth was brief, but his contribution to the world was immeasurable. A poet, philosopher, and reformer of India’s age-old monastic order, he composed many of India’s most renowned spiritual treasures. Among his most acclaimed Vedantic works, the Bhaja Govindam stands alone in its ability to rouse the reader from the illusory state of ordinary human consciousness. For this reason, it has also been called moha mudgara,’the hammer that crushes human delusion.“ That its origin was nothing less than pure, divine compassion is undeniable. In the Bhaja Govindam, Shri Adi Shankara cuts through to the heart of the human dilemma. Reminding us that God is the only unchanging principle of permanent bliss and happiness, he implores us, „Love God, love God, love God, O fool!“

Published 2012

ISBN: 978-3-99000-032-8

210 Pages

Price: 11€ + Shipping


by Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

In the Hindu religion, Lord Hanuman is a divine incarnation and the epitome of fearlessness, faith, and undying devotion. He is the perfect devotee, the obedient servant of Lord Rama, and a highly accomplished master. Stories of Lord Hanuman’s daring feats have captivated the hearts of millions of devotees for centuries, motivating them to overcome life’s challenging obstacles. Lord Hanuman’s extraordinary courage and love for Lord Rama inspired the renowned poet and saint Tulasi Das (1511-1623). The poet’s life and literary works as the Hanuman Chalisa impact countless devotees even today.
At the request of his disciples, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda has gifted us with a commentary on Saint Tulasi Das’s timeless prayer to Lord Hanuman, the Shri Hanuman Chalisa. This beautiful prayer takes on new depth when we contemplate Paramahamsaji’s insights and explanations. We begin to understand that Lord Hanuman is not just a character in a book, but a powerful force that resides in the hearts of all.

Published 2023

ISBN: 978-3-99000-164-6

137 Pages, Price: 14 Euro + Shipping and handling

Language: English

by Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Few books have endured and reminded relevant throughout the ages. This magnificent Vedic text, the Kaivalya Upanishad, is among them. Although it is ancient, it is best described as eternal; its teachings transcend the past, present, and future. Undoubtedly, this book is not meant for casual reading; its words must be absorbed and deeply contemplated to receive the priceless gift hidden within them. What is this gift? The Kaivalya Upanishad expertly teaches the path of liberation and the knowledge of the Self. One who possesses this sacred knowledge realizes the concerns of life and our connection to the Divine.
Throughout the history of humankind seekers have listened to the cry of their souls and sought to find out „Who Am I?“ and „What is my purpose in this world?“. Thousands of years ago the compassionate rishis of India taught us how to find the answers. The commentary in this marvelous book by Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji shines a spotlight on the profound truths presented in this masterpiece, making them easier to comprehend and apply to the modern-day world. The wisdom in this book is endless.

Published 2023

ISBN: 978-3-99000-168-4

181 Pages, Price: 17 Euro + Shipping and handling

Language: English

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