The Universe Within

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Did you know that the Himalayas, the world’s tallest mountains, are also present within your own body? Did you know that the stars and all the galaxies are reflected in your inner sky? Did you ever realize that there are hundreds of rivers coursing through our nervous system and that the most powerful river of all lies untapped?

Erweiterte Neuauflage, Publiziert 2010, Prajna Publication, Wien

ISBN: 978-3-99000-009-0

135 Pages

Price: 11€ + Shipping

English, German

Kriya Yoga Zentrum Wien, Pottendorferstr. 69, 2523 Tattendorf, Austria ✆ +43 2253 81491, · Datenschutz · Impressum · Anmelden

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